Since we are in the peak of the lightening strike season, I thought I would post a few safety tips from the Villa Park Fire Department. Now we all know the basic stuff we’ve heard for years, get out of the water, off the golf course, don’t stand under a tree…but there are a few I didn’t know. Here they are:
1. If you hear thunder you are within striking distance of lightening.
2. If you feel your hair stand on end, indicating that lightening is about to strike, squat low to the ground on the balls of your feet. Place your hands overy your ears and put your head between your knees. The goal is to make yourself as small as possible and minimize your contact with the ground.
3. If someone you are with is hit by lightening, you can touch them immediatley, they do not carry an electrical charge. Call 9-1-1 immediatley – check their breathing. Do CPR if needed.
4. Indoors – turn off appliances as well as televisions. Stay off of corded telephones, and other electrical equipment. Avoid bathing, doing laundry or washing dishes.
VP Newsletter Summer2009